
Introduction to Healing Chronic Illness

InuitionAfter years of searching for a cure to Lyme Disease, cancer, and chronic illness in general, I have learned the most valuable lesson anyone can learn during a journey back to health: there is no external magical potion that will cure any chronic illness, but rather the power to heal comes from within. The human body is incredibly intelligent and powerful. It’s will to survive against all odds is short of a miracle. The key to regaining health is learning to listen to the language of our body and making the mind body connection as strong as possible. I’ve stopped searching for the magical drug to stop my symptoms. I’ve stopped looking for the most qualified doctor. I’ve stopped investing money into “Band-Aid” treatments. I’ve stopped putting my trust in others and have turned within. Only then, did I begin to understand what my body needed to heal. Only then, did I begin to make great strides back to health.

All chronic illness stems from either a nutritional deficiency, a toxicity, or both. In this blog, my goal is share my experience of my own personal healing journey and the knowledge I have acquired along the way. If you are suffering from chronic illness, I hope my ramblings will inspire and empower you to trust your intuition and find your way back to vibrant health. We are all going to die someday. Here’s to learning how to live the happiest, healthiest life possible. Cheers!

Lydia is a gifted health intuitive who inspires vital transformations of the body, mind, and soul.

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